Friday, October 27, 2006

Week 6 Tagging, Folksonomies & Technorati.

# 13.
Oh Dear! the 'old' Cataloguer in me who is so used to 'controlled vocabulary' now has to adapt to this random tagging (Folksonomies)..... Input by 'ordinary mortals! using an 'informal' method of categorizing by keyword' ( can actually think them up yourself......pass me the smelling salts please!)

I decided to Barge into (4 Volumes of LC Subject Headings under my arms) and give them a piece of my mind.
I had to admit defeat when I realised how easy this site is to list your favourite websites and the real exciting part......see who else also 'tags' those websites!
A great site for 'information specialists' who need everything at their fingertips!
Check out my starter group of of bookmarks.

# 14. Technorati
See the Most popular Video Blogs on YouTube. Free Hugs my favourite! You gotta check it out! Great music track too!

Leading authority on all things Blog!
Currently tracking in excess of 51 million Blogs. Blogs double every 6mths. The Blogosphere is 100 times larger than 3 years ago.
Technorati also utilises the power of Tagging. You can search content 'within' blogs, and this makes Technorati so popular.
The way tagging works here is just amazing, you can see who is tracking 'Your' Blog and then see who is tracking their blog.....and on and on and on..!

#15 Library 2.0 and Web 2.0

Reading through the listed perspectives certainly shows that Libraries and Library staff of the 21st Century will be the 'innovators', leaders and collaborators who will show others that we DO have a handle on 'new and emerging technologies and we will kick butt with the way we organise the 'information explosion' and provide exceptional customer basically we allow ourselves to be swept up into this cyclone of Learning or we get walked over by lesser skilled beings!

Reading the Blogs of 'Movers and Shakers' in the library World is my personal way of staying in touch, keeping my head above water, madly paddling underneath, appearing serene to all who observe.

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