Wednesday, October 18, 2006

RSS & Newsreaders

Things 8 & 9.

I have been interested in RSS (Really Simple Syndication??) for a long time now, even if it took me about 2 years to realise that the fancy acronym really has no bearing on this wonderful piece of software that lets you put several of your favourite feeds (or websites) all in the one place and just read updates as they arise.
I set up my first Blog and first Feeds all at Bloglines in 2004. I found that Bloglines handles the RSS feeds really well. The associated Blog software is not as 'user friendly' as Blogger but you do not have to use it.

I have Found an RSS reader to be an invaluable tool in keeping up to date with all the latest Library and Internet technologies. I subscribe (it's free) to the Blogs and Websites of several leaders in the field and find I don't have to re-invent the wheel as a Resource Discovery Officer here at Yarra Plenty.
Where do you think I get all my great 'Websites of the Week'?
You will find my feeds here!
Warning RSS can be addictive and you really do have to decide just what feeds you are prepared to read.

I think the word News Reader can give people the wrong impression about an RSS Feed reader. I agree, its great for the latest news if you subscribe to the CNN or BBC RSS Feeds, but perhaps we should think of the term NEWS loosely = also meaning latest additions to 'any' website (even our Blogs!)
As well as the Internet site Bloglines, you can download gadget type Newsreaders that sit on your desktop and run through the latest news just like the 'ticker' displays you see in places like Times Square (or Fed Square for that matter!)

I am also using a Bloglines RSS Feed reader to monitor all our partipants Blogs for Learning 2.0.
One of the Top Search engines to find RSS feeds in Blogs is Technorati
another is Feedster which looks for news feeds too.

RSS can make life easier so that you don't have to jump all over the web visiting individual web sites.

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